
SCOM - "Cannot initialize report" error

您使用 SCOM Console 裡面的 Reporting 功能時遇到下面錯誤訊息:


說明與方法︰ 1. Is the credential used in "Data Warehouse Action" account different from the RMS Default Action account? In most cases you should separate the two accounts to use different credential

2. Check that the credential used in "Data Warehouse Action" account has the correct SQL user mapping on OperationsManagerDW database


3. Check that the credential used in "Data Warehouse Action" account is listed in "Operations Manager Report Security Administrators" user role

4. Verify that the credential listed in WriterLoginName field is the same as the credential used in "Data Warehouse Action" account

You can run the following SQL query to verify the consistency:

USE OperationsManagereDW

Select WriterLoginName from ManagementGroup

You can run the following SQL query to update the field:

UPDATE ManagementGroup SET WriterLoginName='domain\user'