
SCOM - ADMP "Client Monitoring" feature not working

[ADMP "Client Monitoring" feature not working]
您用下面的步驟把 "Client Monitoring" 功能設定好並啟用
但是設定好之後這些 AD Client 不會去去監控 DC 就算 DC 離線也不會發出警告
Forced DC offline (or detach DC from network), AD clients does not generate connectivity alert (to notify that DC cannot be reached)

After you import the Active Directory Client Management pack, client monitoring is done on computers that are added to the AD Client Monitoring Discovery.

To add a computer to the AD Client Monitoring Discovery
1. Open the Operations console, and then click Authoring.
2. Expand Management Pack Objects, and then click Object Discoveries.
3. Locate the AD Client Monitoring Discovery rule. If you do not see the rule, check that your scope is set to include the Active Directory Client Perspective by clicking the Change Scope link at the top of the Actions pane.
4. Right-click the rule and select to override the object discovery for the computer you want to monitor from or for all objects in a group.
To avoid manually overriding the rule for each client computer, create a group that contains all of the client computers. Then override the AD Client Monitoring Discovery rule for this group.
5. In the Override Properties window, select Override.
6. Change Override Setting to True. In the Select destination management pack pull-down menu, select a management pack.
Store all Active Directory Management Pack overrides for a specific management server or management group in a custom management pack that is used only for overrides. If you have not yet created a management pack for your overrides, you can click New to create one now.
7. Click OK to enable the Client management pack.

You will see the following event in AD client's OpsMgr event log

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Health Service Modules
Event Category: None
Event ID: 21413
Computer: <MACHINE NAME>
The Event Policy for the process started at 9:19:52 PM has detected errors in the
output. The 'ExitCode' policy expression:
matched the following output:

Command executed: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cscript.exe" /nologo
"AD_Client_Update_DCs.vbs" <machinename.domainname.com> <NetBIOS domain name> true
3 {61C1C088-CAFE-8F7A-21AF-09122869F4A1}

In the event description we discovered that we are only passing 5 parameters to the script (AD_Client_Update_DCs.vbs)
but the script is hard coded to fail if there are less than 6 parameters

This is a known issue with ADMP (last version checked to have this problem includes 6.0.6278.10 & 6.0.6452.0)

Configure the following overrides on "AD Client Update DCs" rule:
1. Domain Controllers: enter a DC's FQDN that is located in your local site
2. Site Discovery Mode: enter "3" (local site mode)

After you configured above overrides, you should see "MonitoredDCs.txt" generated under C:\Windows\temp folder on the AD clients computers
This file contains the DCs discovered and these DCs will be monitored, the file does not get created before the overrides.