
DPM 2007 on Win 2008 Can not connect to SQL Server Reporting Service


DPM 2007 on Win 2008 Can not connect to SQL Server Reporting Service


DPM could not connect to SQL Server Reporting Services server because of IIS connectivity issues.
On the computer on which the DPM database was created, restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service. On the Administrative Tools menu, select Services. Right-click World Wide Web Publishing Service, and then click Start.
ID: 3013
因為 IIS 的連線問題,所以 DPM 無法連線到 SQL Server Reporting Services 伺服器。

在建立 DPM 資料庫的電腦上,重新啟動 World Wide Web Publishing 服務。在 [系統管理工具] 功能表上選取 [服務]。在 [World Wide Web Publishing Service] 上按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後按一下 [啟動]。


1. Click Start, type Inetmgr in the Start Search box, right-click Inetmgr in the Programs list, and then click Run as administrator.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type your password, or click Continue.
2. In IIS Manager, locate the level that you want to manage. (Select ReportServer$MS$DPM2007$)
3. In Features view, double-click Handler Mappings. (this will be listed in the middle pane under IIS)
4. In the Action pane, click Edit Handler Permissions. (this actually shows as "Edit Feature Permissions")
5. click to select Script, and then click OK, click to select Execute, and then click OK.