
Cluster network name resource 'Cluster Name' cannot be brought online, Unable to get Computer Object using GUID.

You tried to bring Network Name Resources online but could not, following events are logged on cluster node:

Log Name: System
Source: Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering
Event ID: 1207
Task Category: Network Name Resource
Level: Error
Cluster network name resource 'ClusterName' cannot be brought online. The computer object associated with the resource could not be updated in domain 'domain.com' for the following reason:

Unable to get Computer Object using GUID.

The text for the associated error code is: There is no such object on the server.

The cluster identity 'ClusterName$' may lack permissions required to update the object. Please work with your domain administrator to ensure that the cluster identity can update computer objects in the domain.

There is inconsistency between the resource GUID recorded in cluster registry and AD computer object.

The following method assumes that the GUID data in registry is correct and AD object is incorrect and causing the issue.

1. Make a note of the ObjectGUID for the CNO.  Using  ADSIEdit (located under Administrative Tools), locate the object corresponding to the CNO.  By default it should be located under CN=COMPUTERS.  Right-click on the object, select Properties and then on in the Attribute Editor tab locate the ObjectGUID entry and make a note of the GUID.  

2. Next, on the cluster node, open the Registry Editor and locate the Cluster entry under HKEY_Local_Machine and expand it.  Select the top entry (Cluster) and notice the entry for the ClusterNameResource.  Locate the resource under the Resources entry under Cluster.  Find the correct resource by checking the Name entry, then expand the entry and select Parameters.  Note the ObjectGUID entry in the right-hand pane. 

The GUID entry is the same as that in ADSIEdit but the arrangement of the alpha numeric entry is different.  Use the information below to decode the GUID.


3. We re-ordered GUID found in registry (for the two network name resource) and compared them with the ObjectGUID value found in AD, they are different.  This is causing the problem.

4. We deleted the computer objects ‘ClusterName’ in AD (which holds incorrect ObjectGUID value) and use ADRestore tool to restore the correct object (by matching the calculated GUID) from CN=Deleted Objects container.

    ie: ADRestore -r ClusterName

5. Once the object is restored, the object will be disabled.  Enable the object.

6. For the cluster name account, open Failover Cluster Management console, click Manage a Cluster, and select or specify the cluster you want.

    In the center pane, expand Cluster Core Resources.

    Under Cluster Name, right-click the Name item, point to More Actions, and then click Repair Active Directory Object.

7. Now we can bring the network name resources online

How to recover a deleted computer object that supports a Network Name resource in a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 failover cluster https://support.microsoft.com/kb/950805/en-us

Recovering a Deleted Cluster Name Object (CNO) in a Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster https://blogs.technet.com/b/askcore/archive/2009/04/27/recovering-a-deleted-cluster-name-object-cno-in-a-windows-server-2008-failover-cluster.aspx

Using ADRestore tool to restore deleted objects https://blogs.technet.com/b/asiasupp/archive/2006/12/14/using-adrestore-tool-to-restore-deleted-objects.aspx

AdRestore v1.1 https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963906.aspx