
Special issue of Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée on dictionaries

Dictionaries are fascinating objects. A little over a year ago, the editor-in-chief of the «  Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée » (French Journal of Applied Linguistics) asked me to guest-edit a special issue of this journal on dictionaries. This special issue, entitled “Dictionnaires: nouvelles approches, nouveaux modèles” is now published. 135 pages on dictionaries, with specialists from France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The various contributions, in French and in English, examine dictionaries and lexicons from various perspectives: dictionaries seen by foreign language teachers or by psycholinguists, ancient dictionaries, collocation dictionaries, lexicons for natural language processing, dictionary-building software, lexical information for computerized image analysis, dictionaries, corpora and idioms, or dictionaries for proofing tools.


The table of contents and the abstracts of the various contributions can be found on the journal’s web site: https://perso.wanadoo.fr/rfla/Site%20Web%20RFLA_A/RFLA_angl_2005-2.htm . It now also be found here: https://www.cairn.be/sommaire.php?ID_REVUE=RFLA&ID_NUMPUBLIE=RFLA_102 


Besides my own introduction to the special issue, which can be downloaded as a PDF file or view here (https://www.cairn.be/article.php?ID_REVUE=RFLA&ID_NUMPUBLIE=RFLA_102&ID_ARTICLE=RFLA_102_05), I wrote a paper (in French) on the role played by dictionaries in proofing tools, discussing the new French spell-checker and grammar checker that we recently shipped in Office 2003 SP2.


It was a fun project J


Thierry Fontenelle

Microsoft Speech & Natural Language


Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée (RFLA), guest edited by Thierry Fontenelle. Dictionnaires : nouvelles approches, nouveaux modèles . December 2005, Vol. X-2. ISSN 1386-1204.


Contents :


Fontenelle, Thierry: Introduction: Dictionnaires: nouvelles approches, nouveaux modèles, pp. 5-10.

Béjoint, Henri: Dictionnaires anciens, dictionnaires nouveaux, représentation de la langue et du discours, pp. 11-18.

Verlinde, Serge / Selva, Thierry / Binon, Jean: Dictionnaires électroniques et environnement d'apprentissage du lexique, pp. 19-30.

Tutin, Agnès: Le dictionnaire de collocations est-il indispensable? , pp. 31-48.

Fellbaum, Christiane / Geyken, Alexandre: Transforming a Corpus into a Lexical Resource - The Berlin Idiom Project, pp. 49-62.

Hanks, Patrick / Pustejovsky, James: A Pattern Dictionary for Natural Language Processing, pp. 63-82.

Grefenstette, Gregory: The Color of Things: Towards the Automatic Acquisition of Information for a Descriptive Dictionary, pp. 83-94.

Kilgarriff, Adam: Informatique et dictionnairique, pp. 95-102.

Zock, Michael: Le dictionnaire mental, modèle des dictionnaires de demain?, pp. 103-118.

Fontenelle, Thierry: Dictionnaires et outils de correction linguistique, pp. 119-128.