
Whew! I'm done with the Optimizer Chapter for the next Inside SQL Server book!

I think I'm pretty much done with the chapter for the next Inside SQL Server book on the SQL Server Query Optimizer.  I'm just waiting for comments from a few technical reviewers.

Lots and lots of code/query examples - too many!  I'm hoping that this will help both developers and DBAs understand the "why" behind a plan choice, at least as much as one can learn in a single chapter of a book ;).

I've now spent the last couple of weeks writing seemingly continuously.. I'm writing an architectural document during the day and working on this book chapter at night.  I'd like to say that I have writer's cramp, but as I mostly type I think perhaps "my fingers hurt" will do.. For all of you budding Computer Scientists who don't understand why you are writing history papers all day or an essay on why Moby Dick is important to society today, here is my advice to you:

"It's not the subject of the paper that matters - it's the practice writing papers that matters."

So, now that I'm (mostly) done, please let me know if you have any burning topics about which I should blog - I might now have some time to work on one of them this week :).


Conor Cunningham

Architect, SQL Server Core Engine