
Migration Wizard Matching Algorithm

There are several scenarios when Migration Wizard for Lotus Notes will match on existing AD objects. There are 3 types of objects in AD that MigWiz will search for:

  1. NT account with matching SamAccountName or CN
  2. MailEnabled user which is combination of NT account and Contact
  3. Mailbox user with matching proxy


There is also concept of “hard” and “soft” match

  1. “hard” match is the match on proxy address.
    Migration Wizard will query AD for <objectClass: person; organizationalPerson; user> with matching Notes or SMTP proxy. “Hard” match is supported in both User Interface and Command Line mode.
  2. “soft” match is the match on SamAccountName(Login Name) or Common Name CN. Migration Wizard will query AD for <objectClass: person; organizationalPerson; user> with matching shortName to SamAccountName or FullName to CN. Notice “soft” match doesn’t match on Contacts, only Users. “Soft” match supported only in UI mode for admin to confirm match and continue migration.


Here is simple table describing matching objects and criteria:


Matching on AD account object













Migration Wizard performs hard match first. When match found AD object will be used to perform migration. If no match found Migration Wizard will create new Mailbox user.

In addition Migration Wizard will search for Contacts with matching proxy addresses. If such Contacts found they will be deleted and directory data merged to either existing matched object or to newly created Mailbox user.


There are six scenarios Migration Wizard will need to deal with. In each scenario there is logic that Migration Wizard will follow. Let’s go through them.

  1. Simple Migration - no matching object. Migration Wizard will
    - create new Mailbox user
    - migrate directory and mail data to newly created Mailbox user.

  2. Migration with person NT account in AD. Migration Wizard will
    - “soft” match on NT account with above listed criteria
    - convert NT account to Mailbox User
    - migrate directory and mail data to newly created Mailbox user.

  3. Coexistence scenario with Connector present. After connector installed and directory replication happened AD will have contact for each Notes mailbox in Domino. Migration Wizard will
    - create new Mailbox user
    - migrate directory and mail data to newly created mailbox.
    - delete matching contact
    - merge Contact directory data into newly created Mailbox user.

  4. Coexistence scenario with Connector present and NT accounts in AD. This is the case when NT account of person is stored in target Active Directory and mailbox in Domino. After connector installed and directory replication happened AD will have contact for each Notes mailbox in Domino. Migration Wizard will
    - “soft” match on NT account with above listed criteria
    - convert NT account to Mailbox User
    - migrate directory and mail data to newly created Mailbox User
    - delete matching contact
    - merge Contact directory data into newly created Mailbox user

  5. Modification of above d scenario when NT account and Contact are present in AD as one object known as MailEnabled user. Migration Wizard will
    - “hard” match on proxy address with above listed criteria
    - convert MailEnabled user to Mailbox user preserving directory data
    - migrate and merge directory and mail data to newly created Mailbox user

  6. Remigration scenario. There are two paths which will bring to remigration scenario:
    a. After Domino mailbox migrated to Exchange new mail items came to Domino mailbox that needs to be preserved.
    b. Domino mailbox mail needs to be preserved to existing not related Exchange mailbox (user left company but mail need to be saved). In this case matching proxy need to be added to target mailbox proxy addresses. Migration Wizard will
    - “hard” match to mailbox based on above listed criteria
    - migrate mail to matched mailbox
    Noticed no directory data migrated.

Remember UI mode supports both “hard” and “soft” match. In UI mode “soft” match will be performed if no “hard” match found. Also Migration Wizard doesn’t do “soft” match in batch mode. So if you have AD objects you want to Migration Wizard to match to in batch mode you need to make sure that object has matching proxy. And if neither soft nor hard match found Migration Wizard will create new Mailbox user. If after migration you end up with duplicate objects consider Active Directory Account Cleanup Wizard to merge duplicate objects.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    It's weekend, so you know it's time for &quot;Weekend reading&quot;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;

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