
Directory Migration: What's New?

You may be wondering to yourself, what’s new about directory migration in the Transporter Suite? Well, I’m glad you asked. There were a couple of things that we were trying to accomplish in the area of directory. First of all, it occurred to us that you might want to do a directory migration *before* you do a mail migration rather than have it stapled onto the beginning of MigWiz. Well, we’ve separated it out into its own task, called move-DominoUser. Second of all, our previous directory migration required an act of God (or a Domain Admin) to get things done. We designed the permissions in this new task to allow Account Operators/Recipient admins to do their job. On top of that, when you execute the migration, we’ve enabled you to create the target accounts with mailboxes (if you’re ready for your mailbox migration) or without mailboxes (if you want your mail to keep being delivered to Domino). Finally, we’ve exposed all of this functionality through PowerShell, which makes this whole process easy to automate. Your boss will think you were up working all night, but just between us…

     $SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString –String P@ssw0rd –AsPlainText -Force

Get-DominoUser | Move-DominoUser –TargetOU Users –InitialPassword $SecureString

…will migrate all of your users from Domino to Active directory, creating any new users as Exchange MailUsers in the Users OU with an initial password of P@ssw0rd. If it finds an existing user, it’ll just merge the Domino directory information for that user into the existing account and upgrade it to a MailUser if necessary. You’re done! Time for you to go have dinner. Bon appétit!



  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks for the info....My question is - bearing in mind all of our moves will be merging Domino info into existing account and upgrading to mailuser, how will transporter deal with the fairly detailed OU structure in our AD? (ie. in the example below everything is created in OU Users, we will need user accounts updated across multiple OUs). $SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString –String P@ssw0rd –AsPlainText -Force Get-DominoUser | Move-DominoUser –TargetOU Users –InitialPassword $SecureString

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Better unified communications and collaboration big at Lotusphere 2007 Lotus As A Web 2.0 Collaboration

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @phantom: These tools right now are targeted at Notes.  There is no plans at this time to exted them to GroupWise.  As for sendmail, this is under consideration, so I take this as good feedback. Erik

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    As long as the account that you are doing the migration with has Account Operator and Recipient Admin permissions on all of the OUs that we find objects in, we'll find the objects and update them as appropriate. The -TargetOrganizationalUnit parameter only comes into play for accounts for whom we do not find a match and therefore need to create a new account. --Jenna

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks for info. So I can omit the -targetou entirely from my move-dominouser cmdlet for my users and it will always find the object? That is great news.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I really like what i've been reading about the notes to exchange migrations, but what kind of changes can we expect from groupwise to exchange and sendmail to exchange 2007.  I have not been able to find much information on the 2007 platform and was wondering if this is going to be availble shortly or should we plan on migrating to exch 2003 then move mailboxes to 2007?