
'Best if used by' coexistence...

Last week I had an interesting discussion based on some questions raised in customer roundtable about mail coexistence. Basically they were wondering if there was some design points around duration of a co-existence (Sort of a ‘Best-if-used-by’ idea).


No ‘Best if used by’ date for coexistence

There is no design limit to how long a messaging coexistence can take place. Basically we intend our co-existence tools to be reliable/stable, scaleable, and manageable, regardless of the time period. The intent is that you can use the tools for a day, a week, a month, a year, or 5+ years with the same level of service and management cost. The connector has a watch-dog process that monitors the connector and the IBM API for any problems handling mail, such as a Notes client crash or a stuck message to kick things and cleanup bad items when needed to ensure that the connector continues to function. In addition, now that these tools are released to the web, any reliability bug/issues that are reported will be fixed and updated on the web.


Another Shameless Plug:

I will be going into more detail on the mail co-existence tools tomorrow on my webcast so feel free to join in.




You can go here: (https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032290748&Culture=en-US ) to register for the webcast “Introduction to the Latest Suite of Exchange Migration Tools”


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    Whew, been a very busy week, but I wanted to let you know how the webcast on Wednesday went. (check...
  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2006
    A> First CoexLinks looks interesting, especially when used with the Connector.  Link handling is one of the main complaints that people have when using the connector and I like what you have done.

    B> I think a blog talking about the different (not from MS) tools in this space is in order.  I will build one up and post it.  There are just a number of additional solutions in this whole space and it would be good to list them.

    C> Coexistence is important, and if anyone anywhere tells you differently send them to me.  Coexistence is a key part of an overall transition solution, in which coexistence itself may be the desired end-state or in which a migration may later follow.  To me the key is not a focus on 'coexistence' as THE solution or 'migration' as THE solution. It is (a) knowing that they both have their place (b) when to use them, and (c) what tools are available for either.  

    Anyway, I will chat about this in my webcast today.  (Ohh...shameless plug again...)
