
Microsoft and XenSource to Develop Interoperability for Windows Server “Longhorn” Virtualization

...another subject I wish I have time to blog about today!  More details once again on PressPass: https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/jul06/07-17MSXenSourcePR.mspx.

Microsoft and XenSource to Develop Interoperability for Windows Server “Longhorn” Virtualization
Collaboration will enable customers to virtualize Xen-enabled Linux on Windows Server.
REDMOND, Wash., and PALO ALTO, Calif. — July 17, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. and XenSource Inc. today announced they will cooperate on the development of technology to provide interoperability between Xen™-enabled Linux and the new Microsoft® Windows® hypervisor technology-based Windows Server® virtualization. With the resulting technology, the next version of Windows Server, code-named “Longhorn,” will provide customers with a flexible and powerful virtualization solution across their hardware infrastructure and operating system environments for cost-saving consolidation of Windows, Linux and Xen-enabled Linux distributions.