
How to find a case study

Following yesterdays post about links, I thought I'd mention our Case Study Website, I've lost count of the times people and partners have asked for a document that is freely available and easy to find on this site...I guess you have to know where to go and look :-)

Just navigate to the Find a Case Study page select your product and/or keywords and off you go.  As a tip when you complete a search that doesn't quite return what you need, use the "Refine Search" button, rather than pressing the <back> button in your browser, otherwise you will have to enter all the criteria again.

You can also send the resultant search as a link, this one finds a x64 case study in the UK for instance: https://members.microsoft.com/CustomerEvidence/Search/AdvancedSearchResults.aspx?Flag=0&Keyword=x64&AndTaxID=3484

Or this one that finds all references to DFS-R worldwide: https://members.microsoft.com/CustomerEvidence/Search/AdvancedSearchResults.aspx?Flag=0&Keyword=dfs-r