
See How Project Server Helps Customers– June 2010 Case Studies

Check this two recent case studies (and yes plenty more as  blogged last month): Latest Microsoft Project Server 2010 Case Studies – Great Stories!)

Love all the quotes in red, impressive statements and guess what all these customers are using Project Server 2007, and now with 2010 just out the door all these get even better!

“Our enterprise project management solution has improved processes at Schlumberger, reducing costs, accelerating schedules, and delivering even better service to clients.”

“When we saw Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, we knew we had found the collaborative part of our solution. When we saw Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, we knew we had found the project scheduling part of our solution.”

“We have one master set of data that every department can draw upon as needed—one version of the truth, with everyone seeing and sharing the same information.”

“With Office Project Server, we have revolutionised the way we do resource planning. We’ve gone from reactionary resource assignments to proactive forecasting.”

“We have used [Office] Project 2007 since its inception … but we were lacking an overall structure to join everything together.”

“I’d estimate that our project managers are saving 15 per cent of their time now that they’re no longer chasing resources to ensure accountability.”