
November 2013 Enterprise Social & Productivity free webcasts

We have an existing lineup for productivity & social topics this Movember (yes the moustache is back!), register and save the dates! Yes they will all be recorded so if you miss them you can watch the recording afterward.

See you in New York next week for the Working Social Tour.

Transform Your Workplace, Enable Innovation - November 7 – 8am & 6pm PST

  • Join us for a live session with industry thought leaders and special guests to hear firsthand how Microsoft Office 365 has helped companies harness employee ideas, embrace new workplace cultures and technologies, and spark innovation and spontaneous collaboration in the workplace to accelerate business: getting it done, anywhere
  • Luke Williams: Professor of Innovation at NYU Stern School of Business, Executive Director, Berkley Entrepreneurship Center at NYU; Fellow, Global Innovation at Frog Design; and International Bestselling Author, Disrupt: Think the Unthinkable to Spark Transformation in Your Business, talks about how disruption in the workplace can lead to innovation.
  • Adam Pisoni: Cofounder and CTO of Yammer and Microsoft GM of Engineering, talks about what makes a responsive organization.
  • John Case: Microsoft CVP, Office, wraps up with a summary of how big ideas combined with technology like Microsoft Office 365 can help transform your workplace and enable innovation.
  • Register

Yammer: How to Spark Engagement - November 7, 2013 - 9am PST/5pm UTC

  • How to identify and remove potential barriers for engagement
  • Specific and easy tricks to increase participation and engagement on your Yammer network
  • Learn how other customers have successfully sparked engagement on their networks
  • Register

Executives Engagement: Can leaders really be social and transparent? - November 14, 2013 - 10:30am PST/6:30pm UTC

  • Hear from two of our customers as they share stories on what has and hasn't worked, and how their executives have engaged on Yammer
  • The YES (Yammer Education Services) Team will provide insight from working with executive teams across all industries
  • Discover best practices around getting your own executives engaged on Yammer
  • Register

Responsive Organization with Adam Pisoni & Mike Grafham - November 19, 2013 - 9am PST/5pm UTC

  • Why organizations are realizing they have to rethink how they work and communicate to stay competitive, becoming more responsive to this changed environment and their customers.
  • How innovative companies are able to rethink their understanding of the workplace and capitalize on this open
  • How to encourage employees to think beyond their job descriptions, and empower these individuals to respond creatively and collaboratively to non-routine work.
  • How your company can maintain a competitive edge in this new era of business.
  • Register

Additional good reads: