
Microsoft Project Server 2010 Integration with SAP

A frequent question I have heard recently from key customers: how can the latest version of Microsoft Project Server be integrated with our existing SAP implementation? I wrote this post Integrating EPM 2007 with Line of Business Solutions such as ERP Systems three and half years ago and the same answer pretty much applies. You basically have two options to connect the two systems:

Purchase a connector from a third party vendor

Partner Solution Address   Comments
The Campana & Schott Group CS Connect https://www.campana-schott.com alt Long time EPM specialized partner with a proven track record on that topic, also has plenty of consulting expertise on deploying and configuring PS.
The Project Group PSLink https://www.theprojectgroup.com/ PSLink Integration Scenarios Long time EPM specialized partner with a proven track record on that topic, also has plenty of consulting expertise on deploying and configuring PS.
forProject Import forProject https://www.forproject.com (…) allows data from external sources to be effectively and selectively imported into Microsoft project (…) Saw a recent demo and was very impressed by the ease of the use and the seamless integration with PWA.

Built your own connector using documented API

Great starting point are the Project 2010 Software Development Kit (SDK): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/aa905469.aspx and this solution from the Project Server 2007 SDK: ERP Connector Solution Starter (written for Project Server 2007 but since the architecture and the extensibility story is the same for 2010 it still applies).

In the end even though you could re-invent the wheel and build your own connector, I highly recommend leveraging an existing partner solution so you can focus on the processes and a successful implementation of Project Server 2010 instead of the technicalities of transferring data between SAP and PS.

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