
Microsoft IT Cuts Costs, Gains Greater Consistency with Project Planning Software

Another great new case study thanks to Joyce and Tad: https://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/Case_Study_Detail.aspx?CaseStudyID=4000008422 Great job MS IT!

Microsoft IT, which manages technology resources for the global software company, wanted to improve the consistency of decision-making processes across planning governance bodies. Assisted by Microsoft Services consultants, Microsoft IT implemented Microsoft Project Server 2010. It used Project Server 2010 to plan its fiscal year 2011 new-program budgets and will expand that scope. It is also building workflows, dashboards, and other customizations using Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and complementary technologies. With Project Server 2010, Microsoft IT is consolidating its toolset to reallocate training budgets and cut support costs. It is also improving the quality and visibility of its IT project portfolio planning, more effectively tracking benefits through projects’ life cycles, and establishing a single source of truth for reporting on project management data.

Favorite Quotes:

  • My number-one benefit is cost reduction. Using Project Server 2010 to simplify our toolset, we have been able to reallocate our training budget for next year.
  • All employees can use Project Server 2010 to see the strategy more easily—to see why certain programs are chosen, and how each program benefits each line of business.
  • With all of our project data available in Project Server 2010, we save people time when they’re looking for information.

Also check out the picture on Arpan’s blog A Great Week at the PMI Global Congress, good to see lots of attendees at the Microsoft Project booth compared to others Smile

For more Microsoft Project Server case studies go here: https://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/Case_Study_Search_Results.aspx?Type=1&Keywords="project%20server"