
Heading to MMS 2010 – One Presentation & lots of customer discussions…

As many of you already know, Microsoft is preparing for next week’s Management Summit 2010 in Las Vegas.  This is a great event, not only for his content but also its incredible knowledge transfer capabilities.  As a team member in the greater Management & Services Division (MSD) at Microsoft I can tell you this is our division’s flagship event, occurring only once a year.  In fact, I established this very blog at last years MMS conference after returning to Redmond and deciding for a change outside of IIS.

MMS2010_125x125_gif[1]The key reason I bring up this conference is it hits right at home on the products I love – Configuration Manager, Operations Manager, Virtual Machine Manager, and lastly Data Protection Manager.  I love the opportunity to chat with my colleagues from the respective groups because as busy as our day jobs keep us we often don’t have time to sync up.  Beyond that, I would love to talk with any of my twitter & blog followers to learn what issues, problems, or questions you’ve stumbled upon that I might help with.

If you aren’t attending MMS 2010, my question is why? <grin> I’m attending this year with a less than hectic schedule which I like as last year I had 3 presentations that kept me busy all week long (a Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday schedule).  This year, I’m only tasked with co-presenting along-side the face of the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) Michael Niehaus as I will be talking about the User Driven Installation (UDI) functionality getting added in MDT 2010 Update 1.  For your information, our presentation is on Thursday at 2:30 PM and is session BG01.

I would love to talk to others about their virtualization strategies, challenges, or learn more about your configuration infrastructure and how it differs than the environments we are tasked with running.  Beyond that, I also am very happy to talk about software development to anyone who is interested… and in short, I honestly just enjoy talking to you.  So look me up via email and lets get together!



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