
Dynamically Deploying ConfigMgr Site Roles using Scripts

Getting Started

At Microsoft IT, we are beginning the process of running our ConfigMgr infrastructure on Hyper-V (virtualized) and we are starting to invest some energy in architecting our future data center in a way to ensure we are cost effective yet performance conscious.

In this blog post, I wanted to share some of the cornerstones of how the dynamic provisioning takes place for our ConfigMgr site roles.  In particular, I’m going to focus my attention on ConfigMgr 2007 Distribution Points.

Deploying Distribution Points Process

As many are aware, deployment of site roles in ConfigMgr is a one-time “tax” that most system managers do manually.  Besides, how often is one actually deploying new distribution points?

This is a very valid question but the game changes in the world of virtualization whereby the process for acquiring hardware resources is eliminated.  With this barrier broken down, a system manager can move well beyond the manual and really start to think “dynamically” in the space of deployment & provisioning.

Thus, deploying Distribution Points (DP) is still a push methodology yet one that now is initiated by the system rather than a human being.

Script:  Deploying Distribution Points

In the following script, we dynamically will advise the site server (in this case, our primary site) that we would like to deploy the DP role on the target system.  This is done through our dynamic use of System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (a future post) but just assume the OS is laid down and the server is already provisioned with IP stack, required roles\features (e.g. IIS, BITS, and WebDAV) & the domain membership is complete.  With this out of the way, we move to deployment of the role -

Site Name:  MMS

Site Server:  CM01

Code Snippet

  1. <

  2. '********************************************************************

  3. ' Main routine

  4. '********************************************************************

  5.     On Error Resume Next

  6.     ' Set variables (site code, system to configure, domain).  

  7.     strSiteCode     = "{ConfigMgr Site Code}"

  8.     strComputerName = "{Distribution Point Server Name}"

  9.     strDomainName   = "{DP Domain Name}"

  10.     strSiteServer = "{DP Site Server Name}"

  11.     strSmsAdmin    = "{ConfigMgr Admin\Service Account}"

  12.     strSmsAdminPwd = "{ConfigMgr Admin\Service Account Password}"


  14.     ' Connect to the Configuration Manager server.

  15.     Set objConnection = ConnectToSMS(strSiteCode)


  17.     ' Load the the site control file.

  18.     Set objContext = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")

  19.     objContext.Add "SessionHandle", objConnection.ExecMethod("SMS_SiteControlFile", "GetSessionHandle").SessionHandle


  21.     ' Enable site system.

  22.     EnableSiteRole objConnection, objContext, "SMS Site System", strComputerName, strSiteCode, strDomainName

  23.     ' Enable site role(s).

  24.     ' Uncomment site roles to install.

  25.     ' ---------------------------------

  26.     EnableSiteRole objConnection, objContext, "SMS Distribution Point", strComputerName, strSiteCode, strDomainName    


  28.     ' Release the site control file

  29.     objConnection.Get("SMS_SiteControlFile").ReleaseSessionHandle objContext.Item("SessionHandle").Value

  30.     ' Cleanup

  31.     Set strSiteCode     = Nothing

  32.     Set strComputerName = Nothing

  33.     Set strDomainName   = Nothing

  34.     Set objConnection   = Nothing

  35.     Set objContext      = Nothing


  37. '**********************************************************************

  38. ' Function: ConnectToSMS

  39. ' Description: This routine makes a connection to the specified site code.

  40. '**********************************************************************

  41. Function ConnectToSMS(strSiteCode)

  42.     Dim objLocator

  43.     Dim objConnection

  44.     ' Initialization

  45.     Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

  46.     ' Find the provider server


  48.     Set objConnection = objLocator.ConnectServer(strSiteServer, "root\sms\site_" & strSiteCode, strSmsAdmin, strSmsAdminPwd )

  49.     ' Return the connection object

  50.     Set ConnectToSMS = objConnection

  51. End Function

  52. '**********************************************************************

  53. ' Function:    Enable DP Site SiteRole

  54. ' Description: This enables the specified DP site system role.

  55. '**********************************************************************

  56. Function EnableSiteRole(objConnection, objContext, strSiteRole, strComputerName, strSiteCode, strDomainName)

  57.     Dim objRole

  58.     Dim objProp

  59.     Dim objPropLists

  60.     Dim objComponents

  61.     Dim objComponent

  62.     Dim objComponentProps

  63.     Dim strTempSiteRole

  64.     ' Refresh our copy of the site control file.

  65.     objConnection.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=1,Sitecode='" & strSiteCode & "'", "RefreshSCF", , , objContext


  67.     ' Note: There is no separate site role for a Branch Distribution Point, instead the IsPeerDP property is enabled

  68.     '       on a SMS Distribution Point role.  

  69.     ' Workaround: Set variable to SMS Distribution Point, if the site role is a Branch Distribution Point.

  70.     If strSiteRole = "SMS Branch Distribution Point" Then

  71.         strTempSiteRole = "SMS Distribution Point"

  72.     Else

  73.         strTempSiteRole = strSiteRole

  74.     End If


  76.     'Retrieve the site control object.

  77.     On Error Resume Next

  78.     Set objRole = objConnection.Get("SMS_SCI_SysResUse.FileType=2,ItemName=" & Chr(34) & _

  79.         "[\" & Chr(34) & "Display=\\\\" &  strComputerName & "\\\" & Chr(34) & "]MSWNET:[\" & Chr(34) & "SMS_SITE=" & _

  80.         strSiteCode & "\" & Chr(34) & "]\\\\" & strComputerName & "\\," & strTempSiteRole & Chr(34) & ",ItemType=" & Chr(34) & _

  81.         "System Resource Usage" & Chr(34) & ",SiteCode=" & Chr(34) & strSiteCode & Chr(34), , objContext)


  83.     ' If the site role already exists, then get the current properties.

  84.     If Err.Number = 0 then  

  85.         objProp = objRole.Props

  86.         wscript.echo strTempSiteRole & " already exists. "

  87.         wscript.echo "Attempting to enable the site role."

  88.     ' If the site role is not found, then create it.

  89.     ElseIf CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) = "80041002" then  

  90.         Set objRole = objConnection.Get("SMS_SCI_SysResUse").SpawnInstance_

  91.         objRole.NALPath  = "[" & Chr(34) & "Display=\\" &  strComputerName & "\" & Chr(34) & "]MSWNET:[" & Chr(34) & "SMS_SITE=" & strSiteCode & Chr(34) & "]\\" & strComputerName & "\"

  92.         objRole.NALType  = "Windows NT Server"

  93.         objRole.RoleName = strTempSiteRole

  94.         objRole.Sitecode = strSiteCode

  95.         objProp = Array()

  96.         wscript.echo strTempSiteRole & " doesn't exist. "

  97.         wscript.echo "Attempting to create the site role."


  99.     ' On any other error, fail and exit the function.

  100.     Else

  101.         EnableSiteRole = False  

  102.         wscript.echo "Unexpected error: 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description

  103.         wscript.echo "Not attempting to enable the site role."  

  104.         Exit Function


  106.     End If

  107.     On Error GoTo 0


  109.     objPropLists = objRole.PropLists

  110.     If IsNull(objPropLists) then

  111.         objPropLists = Array()

  112.     End if

  113.     ' Set the appropriate properties for the specified role.

  114.     Select Case strSiteRole


  116.         Case "SMS Distribution Point"

  117.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "Site Info", 0, strComputerName, strSiteCode

  118.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "BITS download", 1, "", ""

  119.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "Is protected", 0, "", ""

  120.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "IsAnonymousEnabled", 1, "", ""

  121.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "Server Remote Name",0, strComputerName & "." & strDomainName, ""

  122.         Case "SMS Site System"

  123.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "Server Remote Name",0, strComputerName & "." & strDomainName, ""

  124.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "IsProtected",0, "", ""

  125.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "Server Remote Public Name",0, "", ""

  126.             SetProperty objConnection, objProp, "FDMOperation",0, "", ""            


  128.         Case Else

  129.             wscript.echo " Invalid role specified: " & strSiteRole

  130.             EnableSiteRole = False

  131.             Exit Function

  132.     End Select

  133.     ' Save the (possibly) updated properties.

  134.     objRole.Props = objProp

  135.     objRole.PropLists = objPropLists

  136.     ' Store the new role instance.

  137.     On Error Resume Next

  138.     objRole.Put_ , objContext

  139.     If Err Then

  140.         wscript.echo " Error assigning role " & strSiteRole & " to " & strComputerName & ": " & Err.Description

  141.         Err.Clear

  142.     Else

  143.         wscript.echo " Setting " & strComputerName & " to an " & strSiteRole

  144.     End If

  145.     On Error GoTo 0


  147.     ' Commit the changes to the Site Control file.

  148.     Set InParams = objConnection.Get("SMS_SiteControlFile").Methods_("CommitSCF").InParameters.SpawnInstance_

  149.     InParams.SiteCode = strSiteCode

  150.     objConnection.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile", "CommitSCF", InParams, , objContext


  152.     ' Cleanup

  153.     Set objRole            = Nothing

  154.     Set objProp            = Nothing

  155.     Set objPropLists       = Nothing

  156.     Set objComponents      = Nothing

  157.     Set objComponent       = Nothing

  158.     Set objComponentProps  = Nothing


  160. End Function

  161. '**********************************************************************

  162. ' Function:    SetProperty

  163. ' Description: This is used to set or create entries in a site control property array.

  164. '**********************************************************************

  165. Function SetProperty(objConnection, objProp, strPropertyName, intValue, strValue1, strValue2)

  166.     Dim index

  167.     Dim bFoundProperty

  168.     Dim objNewProp

  169.         bFoundProperty = False

  170.         ' Loop through properties until a match is found and then set the properties using the values passed in.

  171.         For index = 0 to UBound(objProp)

  172.             If objProp(index).PropertyName = strPropertyName then


  174.                 bFoundProperty = TRUE

  175.                 objProp(index).Value = intValue

  176.                 objProp(index).Value1 = strValue1

  177.                 objProp(index).Value2 = strValue2

  178.                 Exit For

  179.             End if

  180.         Next

  181.     ' If the property doesn't exist, then create it and set the property values using the values passed in.    

  182.     If not bFoundProperty then


  184.         Set objNewProp = objConnection.Get("SMS_EmbeddedProperty").SpawnInstance_

  185.         objNewProp.PropertyName = strPropertyName

  186.         objNewProp.Value = intValue

  187.         objNewProp.Value1 = strValue1

  188.         objNewProp.Value2 = strValue2

  189.         ReDim Preserve objProp(UBound(objProp) + 1)

  190.         Set objProp(UBound(objProp)) = objNewProp


  192.     End if

  193.     ' Cleanup

  194.     Set index           = Nothing

  195.     Set bFoundProperty  = Nothing

  196.     Set objNewProp      = Nothing


  198. End Function

  199. '**********************************************************************

  200. ' Function:    SetPropertyList

  201. ' Description: This is used to set or create entries in a site control property list array.

  202. '**********************************************************************

  203. Function SetPropertyList(objConnection, objPropLists, strPropertyListName, arrList)

  204.     Dim index

  205.     Dim bFoundProperty

  206.     Dim objNewProp

  207.     bFoundProperty = False


  209.     ' If the Property List Name already exists, set the values using the arrList variable passed in.

  210.     For index = 0 to UBound(objPropLists)

  211.         If objPropLists(index).PropertyListName = strPropertyListName then

  212.             bFoundProperty = TRUE

  213.             objPropLists(index).Values = arrList

  214.             Exit For

  215.         End if

  216.     Next

  217.     ' If the Property List Name does not exist, create it and set values using the arrList variable passed in.

  218.     If not bFoundProperty then

  219.         Set objNewProp = objConnection.Get("SMS_EmbeddedPropertyList").SpawnInstance_

  220.         objNewProp.PropertyListName = strPropertyListName

  221.         objNewProp.Values = arrList

  222.         ' Resize the property list and add the new Property List Name.

  223.         ReDim Preserve objPropLists(UBound(objPropLists) + 1)

  224.         Set objPropLists(UBound(objPropLists)) = objNewProp

  225.     End if

  226.     ' Cleanup

  227.     Set index           = Nothing

  228.     Set bFoundProperty  = Nothing

  229.     Set objNewProp      = Nothing


  231. End Function

Quick Summary

To quickly pull this altogether, this script is just another method to deploy a site role and really becomes a reality when you start to virtualize your data center.  Enjoy!

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