
Windows Server 2012 R2上的Lync Server 2013无法分享PPT和白板投票Event 32069

问题:Windows Server 2012 R2上的Lync Server 2013无法分享PPT和白板Event 32069

环境:Lync Server 2010和Lync Server 2013的共存环境。刚刚部署好Office Web App Server,但共享PPT,白板投票不可用。


分析:1. 在WAC上查看Event log,没有相关日志

              2. 在WAC和前端服务器上打开Office Web Apps Server discovery URL,都可以正常打开。说明WAC的服务器配置是正常的。

              3. 在前端服务器上查看Event log, 确认是否有Event ID 41032和41034,发现有这两个Event ID。但同时发现最新的Event事件中,有Event 41033发生:


Event 41033

Office Web Apps Server (WAC) discovery failed, PowerPoint content is disabled.             


此事件表明前段服务器无法正确解析Office Web Apps Farm,但实际上经过测试前段服务器是可以正常打开Office Web Apps Server discovery URL的。并且使用Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm检查相关的配置信息,都是正确的。因此继续查询在前段服务器上是否有其他相关的Event事件。发现Event 32069:


发送请求到 Mcu 中心时返回失败。将重试此 Mcu 类型的会议请求,但如果仍然出现此错误,则会影响会议功能。

Mcu 类型: data-conf

原因: Mcu 中心未设置或者运行不正确。


请确保 Mcu 中心已设置并正常工作。如果 Mcu 中心报告了任何与网络相关的错误,请确保解决这些错误。

Event ID: 32069


虽然此Event ID的说明跟Mcu有关,但经过查询,Event ID 32069可能会导致白板无法无法正常工作:


Whiteboard not Working on Fresh Lync 2013 Standard Edition Server



根本原因:Windows Server 2012 R2上TLS sessions的Cache机制有变更。此变更可能会导致Lync Server 2013服务器的端口444 TCP通信失败。


解决方法:修改Lync 2013前段服务器 注册表建值。具体的步骤如下:




Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.


To work around this problem, set the Schannel registry key to a value of 0x0002 on all computers that are hosting Lync Server 2013 Front End servers. This change disables Session Ticket TLS Optimization in the system.


Notes•You can disable this value without compromising the security of the system. The system will revert to handling TLS sessions exactly like the sessions were negotiated in earlier Windows Server operating systems.

•Lync Server 2013 is supported by Windows Server 2012 R2 when this registry workaround is performed.

1.Click Start, type regedit in the Start search box, and then click regedit.exe in the results list.

2.Locate the following registry subkey:




3.Right-click Schannel, and then click New DWORD (32-bit) value.

4.Type EnableSessionTicket, then press Enter.

5.Right-click EnableSessionTicket, and then click Modify.

6.Change the existing value to 2, and then press Enter.

7.Exit Registry editor.

8.Open the Lync Server Management Shell.

9.Run the following Lync Server PowerShell commands in the given order:




详情可参考下面文档: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2901554