
aka.ms for #AzureStack | Guidance

Hello Readers/Viewers!

Yes, Azure Stack Technical Preview 1 was released today. And that is getting a lot of attention (rightfully so!). It is easy to get caught up in all the excitement, so I wanted to offer a little guide to the available “aka.ms” links I currently have visibility/manage for Azure Stack.

This post is really intended to be used as a quick reference guide to the available “Short URLs” available for Azure Stack and related content. We have many and various public information targets, the URLs listed here should make it easy to reference and remember these sites and their intended use.

The following table outlines the current known aka.ms sites for Azure Stack and related content.

aka.ms URL

Final Target

Intended Use / Comment


Azure Forum (MSDN) Topic for Azure Stack

All public questions, comments, concerns, etc. native to the “Technical Forum”


Azure Stack User Voice site

User Voice is service-wide method for customer ideas, suggestions, issues (sometimes), etc.


Documentation Landing Page for Azure Stack


Documentation Landing Page for Azure Stack on Azure.com (we may use this for something else later)


Landing Page for Azure Stack

Landing Page for Azure Stack on Azure.com

aka.ms/azurestackwhitepaper Taking the cloud to your datacenter Microsoft Azure Stack Whitepaper Whitepaper for Azure Stack called “Taking the cloud to your datacenter”


Documentation Landing Page for Azure Stack

Documentation Landing Page for Azure Stack on Azure.com


Download ZIP for the Azure Stack Marketplace Item Generator and Sample

Marketplace Gallery Item Tool & Sample


Azure Stack GitHub Templates

Azure Stack QuickStart Templates on GitHub (similar to Azure’s QuickStart Templates )


Tools and PaaS services for Azure Stack Documentation Page

Tools and PaaS services for Azure Stack Documentation Page on Azure.com


This Blog Post The quick reference URL for this blog post


#AzureStack @ #MSIgnite The quick reference URL for the old collection of Azure Stack MSFT posted content/links

I will keep this table updated with new aka.ms links that I create over time.

And one more, that I do not manage, but is a fantastic resource (thanks, Hans!):


The Azure Stack Wiki

MVP Led Effort to collect all things Azure Stack, by Hans Vredevoort, Cloud and Datacenter MVP (Hyper-V)

Have more? Let me know!



  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2016
    この日が来るのをどれだけ待っていたか・・・ アメリカ時間の1/29 に、こちらのブログ ( Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview is now available
  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2016
    This is awesome!!