
Melbourne xRM Usergroup March Meeting

This month the Melbourne xRM usergroup has a fantastic session planned – they are looking at Investing your existing .NET skill in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. At the moment, there is a huge demand in Microsoft CRM market and unfortunately followed by a shortage of skill around Microsoft CRM.

In this upcoming session, Dimaz Pramudya will demonstrate on how you can leverage your existing .NET skill to build an awesome solution in Dynamics CRM. The session will cover all the CRM Customization and Integration points such as Plugins, Workflows, Javascript, Custom Pages. All written purely in .NET.

This months xRM user group will be held on the 3rd of March at Microsoft Level 5, 4 Freshwater Place, Southbank VIC 3006.

As usual it starts: 5:30pm – Pizza and Drinks first and then we get in to it.

For more details & to RSVP see https://mel.blogs.xrmug.com.au/index.php/march-user-group-meeting/