
Webcast Spotlight on Getting Started with Project Pro for O365 and using it with Project Online

May 6th 2014 9:00 AM PST

This session will give an introduction to Project Pro for Office 365, compare it to Project Professional 2013 and find it to be the exact same thing (almost!) and will go on to see how Project Pro for Office 365 can be used in combination with SharePoint for saving task lists and with Project Online for saving task lists as well as full blown project plans.
Speaker Bios: Aik Chen and Brian Smith are both Escalation Engineers in the project support team and have been supporting Project Server for as long as it has existed – and are now also supporting Project Online and Project Pro for Office 365. The aim of this session is to use their experience in seeing the kind of issues seen in the early stages of adopting these new services to ensure that you have a smooth introduction when adopting these products.

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