
Canadian IT Manager's Blog

Broadly connecting Canadian Infrastructure and Development Managers through career, industry and technology insight.

MVP Top Tips: SQL Server High Availability in Windows Azure Iaas

Article is from Cluster MVP David Bermingham...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/25/2014

Career news headlines with stories

ACM CareerNews HEADLINES AT A GLANCE: The Fastest-Growing States for Tech Jobs Want a Tech Job?...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/19/2014

SecTor 2014 - Register Before Price Increase

Take advantage of Standard pricing and register by August 31st for Canada’s largest IT security...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/19/2014

Visual Studio "14" CTP 3 Released

Visual Studio "14" CTP 3 Released...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/18/2014

People of ACM: Q&A with Jeannette Wing Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research

ACM Bulletin: Jeannette Wing's areas of expertise are in trustworthy computing, formal methods,...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/14/2014

International CES Mobile Apps Showdown Appreneur Awards—Open for submissions

Who Will Be the Next Global Appreneur Scholars? You have the brains. You have the entrepreneurial...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/13/2014

Register for August 29 Webcast: "Async JavaScript at Netflix"

Register TODAY for the next free ACM Webcast, "Async JavaScript at Netflix," presented on...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/12/2014

MVP Top Tips–Power BI primer

“Power BI is new and emerging self-service business intelligence and business analytics framework...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/11/2014

Top MVP tips covering—xUnit, Windows boot with Powershell, Personalizing notifications, Visual Studio FTS 2013 Update 3, OneNote for planning

  1. Getting Started with xUnit for Xamarin By Windows Platform Development MVP Oron Novotny 2....

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/11/2014

Digital Quake changing enterprises and jobs

“There is an impending digital tsunami — or D-Quake — that can drive enterprises...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/11/2014

The quest for global e-talent

While in Geneva at the ITU World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), I talked with Namir...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/28/2014

Help build a prioritized list of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Business Technology Management (BTM) occupations

Are you a Human Resources (HR) person or an “in the trenches” ICT professional at the managerial...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/22/2014

Top MVP tips--Referring to Content Control Using C#

from Visual C# MVP Ming Man Chan Referring to Content Control using C

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/14/2014

Top MVP tips: Updateable Column Store Indexes in SQL Server 2014

From SQL Server MVP Sergio Govoni  Updateable Column Store Indexes in SQL Server 2014

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/14/2014

Top MVP tips covering—Visual Studio, Azure, Microsoft Access, Biztalk

  1. 256 Seconds with dotNetDave – Episode 1         By Visual C#...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/14/2014

Top MVP tips covering--Windows Universal Apps, Hyper-V, Dynamics CRM 2013, Windows Phone 8.1

  1. A Show-All-Or-Nothing Behavior for Windows Universal Apps...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/13/2014

You must understand foreign markets with these 7 lessons

Foreign markets contribute over 50 per cent to the success of many enterprises. If IT execs aren’t...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/04/2014

CIPS free ethics exam key to cyberthreats

Increasing ethics training is the answer to cyberthreats with over 90 percent of networks comprised...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/04/2014

Register for July 23 Webcast: "Simplifying Big Data with Hadoop"

What’s the Big Deal with Big Data? And, more importantly, what is the business case for Big Data? In...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/02/2014

MVP Mentor Program

The MVP Mentor Program has a new website! The Program connects students who want to learn more about...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/26/2014

OneDrive – 15 GB Free for Everyone, 1TB for Office 365 Subscribers

Some very exciting updates to OneDrive and Office 365 were announced : · OneDrive will come with 15...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/26/2014

June 25 Webcast, "Navigating Cybersecurity and Public Policy: Six Key Issues"

Register TODAY for the next free ACM Webcast: "Navigating Cybersecurity and Public Policy: Six...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/13/2014

Visual Studio “14” CTP Resources

Try out the Visual Studio “14” CTP, released recently: Downloads: Download the Visual Studio “14”...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/09/2014

Noteworthy Expert Developer Webinars: Debugging Direct3D Windows Phone 8.1 apps, Developing Universal Apps with Azure Mobile Services, Optimizing Windows Phone Apps

Debugging your Direct3D apps for Windows Phone 8.1 June 10th - Rob Caplan and James Dailey,...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/09/2014

Microsoft System Center Advisor (preview)—Log Management, Capacity Planning, Update Assessment, Malware Status

For IT executives and your teams, this is worth going to ‘Advisor Limited Public Preview’ service:...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/01/2014

Three lessons for career growth

I am fortunate to work with top executives worldwide. I gain added insights from the hundreds of...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/01/2014

Register for June 17 ACM Learning Webinar: "The Marriage of BI and Big Data—Business unIntelligence"

Register TODAY to attend our next free ACM Learning Webinar, "The Marriage of BI and Big...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/29/2014

Skype real-time translation breakthrough demoed at the Code Conference—watch it!

As noted in this Microsoft blog, at the inaugural Code Conference(#CodeCon), Satya Nadella discussed...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/28/2014

Chat with Leslie Lamport ACM Turing Award Recipient in 2014 (Nobel Prize of Computing); World-Renowned Distinguished Researcher

  • Bill Gates indicates “As a leader in defining many of the key concepts of distributed computing...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/26/2014

Ethics in IT: Making it Personal—Meet up roundtable Monday June 9th

We assume that our employers, customers, and colleagues are be guided by ethical principles. ...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/26/2014

New Surface Offerings: Livestream New York City Microsoft Surface event begins at 11 am EST May 20th

The NYC livestream #surface event begins at 11 am EST. Here is the link:...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/20/2014

Microsoft Azure and SAP expanded partnership meeting diverse needs of the enterprise

I found this news of great interest to the enterprise after speaking to my enterprise colleagues. An...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/19/2014

MVP Blogs Spotlight: Mentoring Imagine Cup, PowerShell Summit, Battle of the Lowlands, Using Microsoft’s Entity Framework, Best Practices Friday 5

Being a Mentor in the Imagine Cup Battle of the Lowlands PowerShell Summit North America 2014...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/17/2014

OneDrive for Business Increases Storage from 25GB to 1TB Per User

For more details go here! Summary of notable items quoted from the link: First, we will be...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/17/2014

Azure massive enhancements with VM, Networking, Storage, Remote App, API Management, Hybrid Connections, Cache, Store

Here is a summary quoted from Scott Guhtrie’s blog post: Virtual Machines: Integrated Security...

Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/17/2014

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