
MVP top tips: Visualizing SharePoint farm with PowerShell, Package management for PowerShell Modules with PowerShellGet

These useful lessons are shared from Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals:

This post on Visualizing SharePoint farm with PowerShell was written PowerShell MVP Nik Charlebois

Quoted from Nik’s post: “How often have you wished that you could easily press a button and get an exact picture of all the servers in your SharePoint farm? I know this came up a few time in my career as a SharePoint administrator. Today is the day where I make all your dreams come true! Together, we will learn how to develop a very simple PowerShell script that will allow you to easily scan your entire SharePoint environment and extract relevant information about the various components running on them and the resources they have available. The icing on the cake is that we will create our script in such a way that it will present all the extracted information in a visually appealing and useful way…”

This post on Package management for PowerShell Modules with PowerShellGet was written PowerShell MVP Kirk Munro

Quoted from Kirk’s post: “Windows PowerShell has developed a great reputation for itself, not only from the capabilities of the product, but from the strength of the community that has grown around the product. As a PowerShell MVP and long-time member of that community, one of my favorite ways to give back to that community is to share the results of my PowerShell work with them in a format that they can use in their own environment. For me, the format of choice for that is PowerShell modules, but up until recently there hasn’t been a Microsoft-supported, sanctioned way to share PowerShell modules privately inside of organizations or publically across the internet. Fortunately, that is all about to change when sharing, discovery, and consumption of PowerShell modules gets a whole lot easier with my favorite new feature in the upcoming release of Windows Management Framework 5.0 (WMF5), PowerShellGet…”