
Celebrating 40th Anniversary “Social Issues in Computing”

A few people were invited to contribute articles in honour of Kelly’s and Borodin’s seminal book, Social Issues in Computing. The University of Toronto has a blog in celebration of the 40th anniversary in the publication of the pioneering work. Here are the initial entries:

Vint Cerf (internet inventor) Social Issues in Computing And The Internet: https://socialissues.cs.toronto.edu/2013/01/social-issues-and-internet/

Authors Gotlieb and Borodin interviewed: https://socialissues.cs.toronto.edu/2013/01/interview-p1/

John King, University of Michigan, Privacy: It’s Harder Than We Thought: https://socialissues.cs.toronto.edu/2013/01/privacy-harder-than-we-thought/

William Dutton, Oxford University, The Enduring Social Issues in Computing: https://socialissues.cs.toronto.edu/2013/01/enduring-social-issues-in-computing/

My piece (part 1 of three articles, focused on ICT Professionalism), ICT E-Skills and Professionalism in 2013: https://socialissues.cs.toronto.edu/2013/01/ict-professionalism-in-2013-p1/