
Alert - Microsoft Security Advisory 954474 Revised

What is the purpose of this alert?

This alert is to notify you that Microsoft has revised security advisory 954474 – System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Blocked from Deploying Security Updates - on 17 June 2008. 


Microsoft has completed the investigation into public reports of a non-security issue that affects environments with all supported versions of System Center Configuration Manager 2007 that deploy updates to Systems Management Services (SMS) 2003 clients. Regarding this issue, Microsoft first published security advisory 954474 on Friday, June 13th 2008.

The revision to security advisory 954474 discusses the release of an update to correct this issue under Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 954474. Microsoft encourages customers affected by this issue to review and install this update.


Please review Microsoft security advisory 954474 for an overview of the issue, details on affected components, suggested actions, frequently asked questions (FAQ) and links to additional resources. Review Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 954474 for more information on the update to fix the issue.

Additional Resources:

· Microsoft Security Advisory 954474 – System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Blocked from Deploying Security Updates - https://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/954474.mspx

· Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 954474 - System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Blocked from Deploying Security Updates - https://support.microsoft.com/kb/954474

· The Manageability Team Blog: https://blogs.technet.com/smsandmom/

· MSRC Blog: https://blogs.technet.com/msrc

Regarding Information Consistency:

We strive to provide you with accurate information in static (this mail) and dynamic (web-based) content. Security Advisories posted to the web are occasionally updated to reflect late-breaking information. If this results in an inconsistency between the information here and the information in the web-based Security Advisory, the information in the web-based Security Advisory is authoritative.

If you have any questions regarding this alert please contact your Technical Account Manager or Application Development Consultant.

Thank you,

Microsoft CSS Security Team