
SCOM – Remotely update Management Group configuration on SCOM agent via PowerShell

One of my customers installed the agent via SCCM and it had a typo in the management group name. This script removes the current management group configuration the agent is assigned to, and adds a new management group configuration with the correct management group name.

$OLDMG = "oldMG" $newMG = "newMG1" $MS = "serverOM" $Agentlist = "computer1",”computer2”,”computer3” $Agentlist | % {Invoke-command -computername $_ -ArgumentList $oldMG,$newMG,$MS -scriptBlock { param($oldMG,$newMG, $MS) try {$o = new-object -com AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg #remove old MG name and disable AD integration try { $oMG= @($o.getmanagementgroup($oldMG)) if ($oMG.count -ne $null) { $o.RemoveManagementGroup($oldMG) $o.DisableActiveDirectoryIntegration() $o.reloadconfiguration() write-host "Removed $oldMG from agent configuration" -ForegroundColor Green $o=new-object -com AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg $o.getmanagementgroups() } } catch {write-host "MG $oldMG not found" -ForegroundColor Magenta} #add new MG Name try {$nMG= @($o.getmanagementgroup($newMG)) Write-Host "agent already configured with $newMG" -ForegroundColor Magenta} catch { write-host "MG $newMG not found. Adding the new MG to agent's configuration" -ForegroundColor Green $o.AddManagementGroup($newMG,$MS,5723) $o.reloadconfiguration() write-host "$newMG MG has been added to agent" -ForegroundColor Green #clear the healthstore cache get-service -Name HealthService | Stop-Service Remove-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Health Service Store" -re -Force get-service -Name HealthService | Start-Service } } catch {write-host "Microsoft Monitoring Agent not installed"} } }

I'm always after this script, and I seem to always have re-write it. Maybe next time I need it I'll remember it's here