
Fine Tuning MOM Management Packs...

I really had to tell you all about the tool I just had demonstrated to me for fine tuning of MOM Management Packs....

I find the biggest questions I get asked are:

   How can I see what a MOM Management Pack is actually monitoring, what is enabled and what is not?

   How can I see what impact the Management Pack is going to have on my system (what alerts it is going to generate, how much information is it going to capture and is it going to have a performance impact on the monitored system)?

   How can I compare Management Packs to see what the differences are between revisions?

   How can I track changes to my Managment Packs within MOM for Change Control?

The tool is called MP Studio Express by a company called Silect Software based in Ottawa and man is it great! IMHO tools like this and the System Center Capacity Manager 2006 are going to make implementing and managing MOM 2005 a whole lot easier.