
Edmonton TechNet Winter Tour 2005!

What a way to round off the tour! I hope you all had as much fun as I did during the event.... What makes an event like this such a success is not necessarily great content, demos or the presenter, more often than not it is the audience and you guys Rocked!

We had about 360 people who came along and whilst not eveyone laughed at my jokes - I shouldn't give up my day job to go in to comedy it was suggested :-) I think you enjoyed the new format... I am certainly looking forward to coming back to Edmonton and look forward to seeing you all again soon!

In the mean time, so many of you asked questions (and I wrote many down) but if you didn't get a chance to get yours answered, don't foget the Webchat....

TechNet Winter Tour 2005 Technical Chats – EdmontonAdd to Calendar

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March 21, 200511:00 A.M. Local TimeAdditional Time Zones
