Visual Basic, Silverlight and SecondLife TODAY!
What better combination could you ask for? Earlier I posted about Visual Studio in SecondLife.. I thought I'd remind you about the event today! If I make it to a WiFi hotspot in time, you may see "Darb" there.. if you do, please come up and say hi.
Join Amanda Silver, Lead Program Manager in the Dev Div, tomorrow at the Visual Studio Island Theater in Second Life to speak about Visual Basic on Silverlight.
Amanda's work involves the language design of Visual Basic as well as managing a talented team of Program Managers that design and ship everything in Visual Studio that is Visual Basic specific. We are entering a new dimension in programming and now, Visual Basic, the programming language that brought Windows programming to the masses is now available cross-platform (yep, VB on a MAC)!
Event Details:
Guest Speaker: Amanda Silver, Lead Program Manager
When: Tuesday, July 31st, 4 PM PST
Where: Visual Studio Island Auditorium in Second Life
How to join the event:
If you’re already a member of Second Life, you can teleport directly to the Visual Studio Island via this link;
If you’re new to Second Life, you’ll be guided through the Second Life registration process and will need to set up an Avatar;
About Second Life:
Second Life is a 3D online world with a rapidly growing population of over 3 million registered residents from 100 countries around the globe, in which the residents themselves create and build the world which includes homes, vehicles, nightclubs, stores, landscapes, clothing, and games. As of May 10th Visual Studio established an area in Second Life where developers can hang out, attend events, and test their wits to win prizes. We’ve already given away 60 plots of land adjacent to the Island on “Coders Cove” where many developers have built houses and other interesting things.
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July 31, 2007
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July 31, 2007
Trying to sign up, I keep getting things like this: You are not allowed to register a user with this last name id Wish it would only list what I CAN use.Anonymous
July 31, 2007
Yea, I got the same sort of error message... try picking a very obsure first name... like M9851 or something like that...Anonymous
August 01, 2007
Durch den Artikel von Brad Abrams bin ich auf einen besonderen Vortrag über Visual Basic in SilverLight