
Office 2007 for (almost) Free

This is such a cool offer!  If you have friends or family who work for the NHS in the UK, go tell them now: As part of the Enterprise Agreement the NHS signed with Microsoft a couple of weeks ago NHS employees are entitled to a copy of Office 2007 for use on their own home PC for just the price of post and packaging.  That's £17!

To qualify for the deal, all you need is a valid nhs.uk or nhs.net email address.

And that's not the only offer either.  Other Microsoft hardware and software is also available to NHS employees at discounted prices.

To get your copy of Office 2007, or to see the full range of benefits for NHS staff go here: https://www.microsoft.com/uk/nhs/licensing/ea-england-benefits.mspx

Technorati tags: NHS, Office 2007, Home User Programme
