
BizSpark Featured Startup App: TradingView

Today we feature a BizSpark Startup who recently published their Finance App called TradingView . Trading View helps you track accurate information for stocks and other markets with the most advanced charts available and enables you to set up personal watchlists and follow hotlists with top gainers and losers.

How TradingView is redefining how you think about traders and investors

When someone says “trader”, most people think of Michael Douglas’s character in “Wall Street” - a secretive, and sometimes cruel, financial shark. But in reality - YOU are most likely a trader (or at least an investor). If you ever put money into a 401K - you are an investor, and if you do several transactions a year, that qualifies you as long-term trader. TradingView’s mission is to show you that all of us can be investors and traders, that financial analysis is nothing to fear, and that together we can achieve more than alone. 

TradingView is a network for investors and traders to meet, look at charts and exchange ideas. “Another social network?!”, you are probably screaming in your head. Yes and no - it’s a network around a particular interest but WITH free tools for analyzing the markets to replace expensive existing options.



  • expensive and complicated software mainly for Windows

  • need powerful computers

  • hours of installation, steep learning curve

  • can’t do on-the-go, mobile or modern devices

  • need to find obscure trading forums or go to conferences to meet people with similar interests


  • just open a browser page - simple and intuitive

  • your charts and contact anywhere

  • HTML5 and cloud tech outperforms most PСs

  • works on any device, in any modern browser

  • Tens of thousands of investors active every minute right next to you

Stan Bokov, co-founder and COO of TradingView has extensive experience building professional software for traders along with his co-founders. Before TradingView, they built a sophisticated trading platform for retail traders called MultiCharts and grew it to 2MM of annual cash flow, but switched to TradingView because of the much larger opportunity.

Getting accepted into the Techstars Chicago program in the summer of 2013 was a pivotal point for the company. Getting access to vast amounts of knowledge and industry experience through hundreds of mentors, learning key business tactics through focused lectures and having the chance to pitch to hundreds of VCs at Demo Day at the House of Blues all bolted the company to the next level.

Because of the program, TradingView was able to meet and work with such industry superstars as Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Microsoft. Awesome Microsoft mentors and evangelists Sonal Mane and Chris Bernard in fact inspired TradingView to build their first ever native app! It’s currently gone through all testing and was recently released in the Microsoft Store - check it out!

The Finance app by TradingView helps you track accurate information for stocks and other markets with most advanced charts available. Set up personal watchlists and follow hotlists with top gainers and losers. See top published ideas from TradingView, the most active investor and trader community in the world. Delivered through a carefully designed and streamlined Windows experience.

To be part of TradingView all you need is a desire to talk about the markets - and it doesn’t matter if you are just starting out, or already invested your first million bucks. Just like there are communities for designers, comic book fans or even architects - TradingView is for you if you want to be a financial geek! Get your free registration now and market away!
