
Adding Regulatory Compliance as a focus for my blog

Over the past few months I have been focusing on regulatory compliance (RC), and how Microsoft can help our customers comply with their regulatory requirements.  Therefore, I have changed the description of my blog to "Life, Security, and Regulatory Compliance at Microsoft".

Don't worry, I'm not going to be posting an endless string of PCAOB articles, AICPA offerings, and Big 4 white papers.  For those of you intimately involved in RC, I am sure you are already inundated with this sort of material.  Rather, I'd like to use this blog to disseminate some of my thoughts on RC, and gather feedback from customers (and non-customers for that matter!) regarding this topic.  It is my contention that compliance can drive changes in an IT organization that have a benefit beyond just compliance with regulations; in other words, compliance can be a catalyst for increased IT efficiencies.  I'd like to know what you think.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer or a CPA, and my comments should not be relied on with regard to regulatory compliance requirements, etc.  If you have questions regarding your organizations compliance, please consult with your auditors and/or legal department.

With that in mind, please feel free to post or email comments, questions, or other feedback to me.  I think this blog can be a valuable resource for all of us.