
Longhorn and Yukon and Whidbey, oh my!

The year is winding down, and there is still yet so much to be done. I've been bending my noggin around ways to help folks both find each other online (developer asking developer, developer answering developer, developer drinking beer with other developers) and the ways that we escape technology to find each other -- sitting on airplanes, waiting for buses, standing in line at the Starbucks hoping for consciousness early in the morning.

'Cause in the year coming up - 2004 - we will need to find each other. There are a lot of exciting new technology developments, and no doubt a number of world developments that will make it even more important for people of like mind, good cheer, and fast wit to make the world a better place. If you got any suggestions for me, just send me a ping.



  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2003
    I've decided to make the year 2004 a very wonderful year of Whidbey and Yukon. I think that Longhorn is something for 2005/2006. Maybe Indigo is perfect for 2005....
  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2003
    Instant messaging integration with blogging?

    Questions get posted to a board/blog.
    Notifications go out to those who subscribe to answer questions posted.
    answers are posted to board/blog
    notification goes back to those who asked question