
Visual Studio BizApps Launch Content Rollup

Here on the Visual Studio BizApps team we’re always busy creating community content for our Dev Centers, Channel9, blogs and MSDN but since Visual Studio 2010 has launched we’ve gone into overdrive! I wanted to call out some of the content we’ve published since launch that you may find helpful as you dive into Visual Studio 2010.

How Do I Videos


Office Development with Visual Studio (VSTO)

Visual Studio

More How Do I videos…

Channel 9 Videos

More of our C9 Videos…

MSDN & Magazine Articles

Online Samples

**[More VB Samples…](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vbasic/ms789074.aspx)** [**More VS Samples…**](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/dd238515.aspx)



Dev Center Updates

And don’t forget to keep up to date and send us feedback on our team blogs as well:

Have fun learning Visual Studio 2010 and keep an eye out for a lot more content on the way.

