
This Wednesday Come Ask the Experts about .NET Development, Architecture, Cloud, Mobile and more! (And eat free pizza)

This Wednesday December 8th at EastBay.NET UG in Livermore I’ll be on a panel of Microsoft experts and MVPs that will be there to answer your architecture and development questions. We’ll also be hosting a really fun 30 minute FUNdamentals session with Remi Caron (MVP from the Netherlands) who will be talking about his latest “Cows in the Cloud” project. Check out the details below and register for this event! .NET Developers Open Forum & “Cows in the Cloud”

When:  Wednesday, 12/8/2010 at 6:45 PM, FUNdamentals starts at 6:00PM
Where: University of Phoenix Learning Center in Livermore, 2481 Constitution Drive, Room 105

This session will be a panel discussion hosted by Microsoft experts and MVPs: Remi Caron (MVP), Beth Massi (that’s me :-)), Robin Shahan (MVP), Peter Tweed, and Adwait Ullal. What do you think about developing for the cloud? How are you dealing with learning WPF, Silverlight, and so many other new technologies? Questions about Windows Phone or SharePoint development? Has your team gone Agile? What went right/wrong with your development projects in 2010? What can we look forward to in 2011? Come participate in the discussion and enjoy the pizza and soda (provided by Slalom Consulting).

Before the main panel discussion we’ll also be having a short 30 minute talk for our FUNdamentals session with Remi Caron on his latest “Cows in the Cloud” project. This session starts at 6:00PM. Remi will be talking about a project that covers one of the oldest trades we as humans have (farming cattle) and the ‘latest’ technology hype, cloud computing. He will discuss this Azure-based cloud application to track dairy cows in the Netherlands and the basic concepts behind the technology. He’ll address some of the technical challenges but also customer adoption issues and legislation. Ever thought about cow privacy? Well you probably will after this talk.

Click here to register for this event!

Hope to see you there!