
Office Development with Visual Studio Developer Center Just Launched!

Everything you need to know about building Office solutions in Visual Studio is on the new Office Development with Visual Studio Developer Center! (update your bookmarks: https://msdn.com/vsto)

- Right on the home page meet MVPs and members of the product team who share tips, tricks, presentations, and trip reports about meeting developers like you.

- Download code samples and tools that showcase Office and Visual Studio features or access shared source projects on Codeplex that are using Visual Studio to build Office solutions.

- Watch educational and entertaining videos about Office development, watch team interviews and demonstrations.

- Learn new skills by browsing the learning resources by topic or learning type as well as get easy access to the MSDN library resources you need.

- Meet your forum moderators and access other developer community resources.

- Get quick access to news and featured resources and take a peek at what’s coming in Visual Studio 2010!

Make it your new home today. :-)
