New Year's Resolution from MSDN Magazine
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday like I did. My family went on a cruise down the west coast of Mexico and it was awesome. I'm still wading through all my email ;-) It was so much fun to be on a ship for New Year's Eve celebrations but I think I ate my body weight in food and drink. My New Year's resolution will definitely be to get more exercise this year.
MSDN Magazine also made a New Year's resolution as stated in Howard Dierking's January 2009 Editor's Note. You may have already seen the news on the VB Team blog that all code samples for articles will be available on Code Gallery and provided in C# and Visual Basic. This decision was made based on the huge amount of feedback from the developer community.
Many thanks to Howard and his team for listening to us!
January 06, 2009
Welcome come back from your New year Beth, I hope you enjoyed, i appriciate your work in programming, have a happy 2009.Anonymous
January 07, 2009
Thanks Benard. Happy New Year to you too!Anonymous
January 08, 2009
Happy Holiday Beth. waiting for your new demonstrations. Don't hide for long. :)