
New Videos and More Rolling out on LightSwitch Developer Center

A new video just rolled out on the LightSwitch Developer Center on MSDN in a section that is all about helping you discover the range of possibilities that you can do with the product that were done by Orville McDonald, Visual Studio Product Manager:

Connect to Multiple Data Sources

More of these types of informational videos will roll out here until Beta 1 is released. But what’s the LightSwitch product  team members doing? Let me tell you!

We’ve got a lot of great content in store as well, including deeper Channel 9 Videos on how to extend LightSwitch (watch this feed) and “How Do I” step-by-step videos and “Getting Started” tutorials on how to actually use the product (watch the dev center). We’ve also got a great line-up of team bloggers on the LightSwitch Team Blog who have started diving into the architecture of LightSwitch in response to the community asking some great questions on the Internet and in the LightSwitch forums.

The LightSwitch Developer Center will collect content from all these sources plus more. It will be your one-stop-shop for everything you need to get up to speed on LightSwitch including a link to the Beta 1 download on August 23rd.

I’m very excited to be part of this product team and even more excited to be learning LightSwitch and creating great content for you on MSDN.

Stay tuned!