Misfit Geek Podcast on the Future of VB
Joe Stagner’s second podcast is up and this time he’s interviewing the one and only Lisa Feigenbaum from the VB team. Joe pins her down on what the future of VB really is and discusses perceptions, parity and co-evolution. It’s a great interview so check it out:
Misfit Geek Podcast - Episode #2 Does VB have a Future?
I got a little nervous at about 31 minutes into it when Joe calls me the “Princess of Visual Basic” (better than an old queen I guess ;-)) and mentions that there should be a crew of Beth Massi’s out there to crank out VB content. I can think of more than a few people besides my family that would be scared to have more copies of me running around and screaming out there. LOL. But many many thanks, Joe! I’ll keep it coming.
June 23, 2009
Yes! Beth keep the VB GOODNESS coming. What about a VB book/tutoriasl or a starter kit website on MVC. Most of the new books I have seen are in C#Anonymous
June 24, 2009
Hi Haroun, Check out these great VB MVC resources and tutorials: http://www.myvbprof.com/2007_Version/MVC_RC.aspx HTH, -BAnonymous
June 24, 2009
I think it's a nice title for you!