Microsoft Beth 2009 - Has it really been two years!?
Last week marked the two year anniversary of my employment at Microsoft. Wow! I completely forgot about it -- I had to go back to my blog archive and look it up ;-) Time flies when you're having fun, I guess. I've really enjoyed my time here so far and I hope that I can continue to do my best for the Microsoft developer community.
I can't tell you how many friends I've made here and in the community and how much I've learned. Microsoft is truly an awesome company and I work with the best minds in the industry. It's overwhelming sometimes working here but it's so worth it to see the fruits of your labor really pay off. And it's incredible to have this kind of impact in the world. I hope that my work continues to help developers out there.
Many thanks to all of you -- the awesome developers in the community helping each other make it through the challenges we face building applications that make people's lives that much better. Let's continue being excellent to each other and here's to another year!
March 31, 2009
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March 31, 2009
Congrats Beth!! Keep up your excellent work!Anonymous
March 31, 2009
Thanks, Alessandro!Anonymous
March 31, 2009
keep going Beth you're the best example of the help,support and backing up us so we don't lose the road as we said in Egypt : my best wishs to you for all my heart. ;-) sorry if my english not so wellAnonymous
March 31, 2009
Beth, You have had a great impact on so many areas of the community since you have been there. Thanks for all that you've done and for the inspired idea to hire you.Anonymous
March 31, 2009
Thanks everyone!Anonymous
March 31, 2009
You all there at Microsoft are great, and I can't show my appreciation for your work other than this message... You make our lives (working lives that is) much more easier and fun, sometimes :D I don't know where the software industry would have been without Microsoft. I know I haven't been so much of a commenter but I enjoyed every post you have published and learned a lot on the way. Your articles have been always well documented and written in a professional way. And I want to thank you for that. :) Keep up with the good work, Beth! Congratulations! :)Anonymous
March 31, 2009
Congratulations and Celebrations!! for one of the main Community AngelsAnonymous
March 31, 2009
Congratulations Beth, hope to see you the next CEO :)Anonymous
March 31, 2009
Congratulations!!! Please keep up the great work!Anonymous
April 01, 2009
Grow up. So what you have completed 2 years at Microsoft? Grow up.Anonymous
April 01, 2009
Congratulations!!! I don't know how to thank you enough for your great work, specially the how to series. They have been the best learning materials.Anonymous
April 01, 2009
To KK -- First, that's harsh and unnecessary. Second, apparently you've been in a cave for the last two years. Beth's blog ALONE provides an incredible amount of information and help, and she continues to add content and articles that are really helpful, informative, and understandable. In addition to all of her work at MSFT (have you checked out the Dev Center lately? it's actually USEFUL now), she speaks at conferences and the .Net User Group meetings in the SF Bay Area and reaches out and helps the community in many different ways. So I think before you get snotty, you should tell us what YOU'VE done in the last two years. Or 'fess up and admit your post is an April Fools' Day joke.Anonymous
April 02, 2009
Hi Beth...Congrats!!...I really like your blogs & articles...Anonymous
April 03, 2009
Congratulations Beth, and keep doing an excellent job!!Anonymous
April 06, 2009
Beth, you're just Awesome. I can't tell you how many times your videos/columns have save my bacon (when I couldn't find straight-forward answers anywhere else). You keep your instructions simple and on-target and they so easy to follow. I think too many other presenters mess up because they are trying to "show off" instead of presenting the simple topic itself. You a blessing for our community! We appreciate all your great work. p.s. I think yo need to wear one of those burger-king paper crowns for the day! lol Congrats on the big 2!Anonymous
April 06, 2009
Thanks again everyone!