
HTML5 Web Camp Belgium on 6 April 2011: free registration open now

During the first Web Camp Belgium in January we asked you to indicate your interest in future Web Camps. Response was huge and many of you pointed out HTML5 and related technologies.
So here is our answer: on April 6th we’ll be hosting the first HTML5 Web Camp in Belgium with a full afternoon of sessions presented by Belgian partners and agencies.

What: HTML5 Web Camp Belgium – a full afternoon of sessions presented by the Belgian web companies followed by a reception
Where: Living Tomorrow
  Indringingsweg 1
When: April 6th 2011
  13:30 to 18:00 – Sessions by Netlog, Ferranti, These Days and LBi
  18:30 to 22:00 – Reception (optional registration)
Type: free event

>> Register for HTML5 Web Camp Belgium

Looking for more information about  HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Geolocation, Canvas, jQuery, WebSockets? This is your opportunity to learn from the Belgian agencies on how they are using the new functionalities today on customer projects.

Detailed agenda and speaker information

We are very excited to have Netlog join us to speak about a brand new service they are launching on their website taking advantage of the Geolocation API of HTML5 to let users create location based shouts. After Netlog’s session These Days is on stage bringing you inside info on how to take advantage of Object Oriented JavaScript to minimize the amount of HTML code needed. These Days is using the case of the Frameratefest.com contest site to illustrate how it’s done.
Jef Claes from partner Ferranti then joins us to cover WebSockets in HTML5. Since WebSockets is still in experimental phase it will be illustrated by taking advantage of the HTML5 Labs prototypes.
To finish off we’ll have LBi taking the stage to showcase a project from a big Belgian customer in which they take advantage of jQuery and CSS3, while still supporting older browsers and using less code!


Welcome and registration


Welcome and introduction to the event (Katrien De Graeve)


Location-aware shouting Speaker: Frank Desmettre, Netlog

HTML5 offers several solutions for augmenting the experience of users on the web. One of these solutions is providing an accurate location of a user. Most of today's smartphones already support the technique of requesting your location through GPS but now an HTLM5 compatible browser can also pinpoint your location based on the IP of your device and nearby wireless access points.

At Netlog we've been using the Geolocation API to add location information to user messages (shouts) both on the web version and the mobile site. This location is used to place them on a map that can be easily navigated using HTML5. This way we enable users to find out what's going on around them or on a location of their choice.


How Object-Oriented JavaScript can help your HTML5 site Speakers: Pieter Helsen and Bram Verdyck, These Days

We all know that we now have a new Canvas element and some other very cool HTML5 tags, but how do you get to implementing these correctly? The www.frameratefest.nl site for example, is a mere 200 lines of HTML. How is this possible? Say Hello to OO JavaScript.

By using the Frameratefest site These Days will explain how this concept has helped develop the site. We'll dive into code!


WebSockts on Fire Speaker: Jef Claes, Ferranti

While the WebSockets API specification is not stable yet, various browser vendors have already implemented a prototype in their latest browser versions. Microsoft released their WebSockets prototype in December 2010. While there is no native implementation of WebSockets in IE9 just yet, for now they are providing a solution which works cross-browser, relying on a Silverlight client. Server-side a Windows Communication Foundation server is made available, which implements the latest version of the WebSockets protocol.

In this session, Jef covers the WebSockets fundamentals, demonstrate a proof of concept that could be used in various fire department web applications and deep-dive into the code of this proof of concept.


Creating cross-browser designs with CSS3 and jQuery in a SCRUM methodology Speaker: Tim Vermaelen, LBi

As today's web applications are growing in complexity, making them cross-browser is still key to success. Since history of web design we've seen all kinds of techniques that tackle browser issues. Still, they are very time consuming and expensive. This presentation will give you a quick look on what's possible these days with CSS3 and jQuery and how you can save time creating cross-browser web applications. Throw away half of your HTML code, half of your background images and start using more flexible techniques. This session is going to be based on a case of a big Belgian company, to be shown during the session.


Cocktail Reception (optional)

What if you’re not able to make it?
The good news is all sessions are recorded and will be available for on-demand viewing shortly after the event.

Blog bling: you’re welcome to invite peers and colleagues to attend. Here’s two banners you can use:

banner_webcamps_120x140  banner_webcamps_180x150
Using this link: https://bit.ly/html5webcampbe