
Server Super Drive Promotion

Rev up your Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012r2 + CALs purchases and race to the top to win the ride of your life.


Full details are available at https://www.microsoftsmarthq.com.au/Main/Promotions/2014_ServerSuperDrive.aspx

Join the race to win an epic drive

Provide your customers with the enhanced features and capabilities of Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012r2 + CALs (Client Access Licenses) for the opportunity to win an exclusive driving experience.

For a limited time, drive purchases of Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012r2 + CALs to boost your company’s chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime ride in one of the world’s most exotic super cars, such as Ferrari, Aston Martin, Lamborghini and Maserati*, in Sydney.

Click here to learn more about this exclusive driving event.

Accelerate your purchases to lead

From 11 October 2014 to 31 December 2014**, the more Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012r2 + CALs your company purchases, the more kilometres earned – and the closer your company gets to winning. Rack up kilometres and race to the top to win.

Products eligible for this promotion include: Server 2012 and Server 2012r2 C-OEM Licenses & Preinstall, ROK (Reseller Option Kit) from ACER, HP, IBM and Fujitsu. For the full list, click here.

Promotion Kilometre Matrix >>

How to win

Most Kilometres Prize

Resellers who finish First, Second and Third within their SmartHQ level with the most kilometres earned will score a seat at the exclusive driving event in 2015.

Lucky Draw Prize

Everyone has a chance to be a winner! Once the three winners are determined in each level, there’s still one seat up for grabs in your SmartHQ level! Every kilometre you earn equals one entry into the random chance drawing to win the driving experience. At the end of the promotion period, 1 winner will be drawn from each SmartHQ level.

Make time for pit stops

Each week, visit this page to check your company’s kilometre count, see the top performers by kilometres earned and find out where your company ranks among its peers.

Terms, Conditions & Official Rules