
OEM Windows Server Roadshow - The Final Four Cities

The monumental task of delivering the OEM roadshow is wrapping up in just over a week, with 19 cities already done, and Wollongong, Canberra, Albury and the rescheduled Cairns event to come before the end of the month. The original Cairns date had a conflict with the day a cyclone was due to hit, so I thought it was a safer move to head back to Sydney from Townsville rather then be stuck in Cairns and risk missing the following week's cities

With new builds of the Windows Server Technical Preview now available, it's worth adding a small amount of new content to include some of the changes to the primary technologies that are being focused on during the day - Hyper-V, Storage Spaces and of course, a look at the new version of Essentials.

If you haven't registered already, here are the date, venues and links for the upcoming cities.

18/05/2015 Chifley Hotel Wollongong Wollongong Learn more
20/05/2015 Forrest Hotel & Appartments Forrest Learn more
22/05/2015 Rydges Albury Albury Learn more
25/05/2015 Mercure Cairns Harbourside Cairns Learn more