
Now SmartHQ is open to everyone in your organisation


SmartHQ is open to everyone in your organisation


Did you know that others in your organisation can have access to the great resources available through SmartHQ?

Co-workers can register as a SmartHQ Associate Member and drive more sales for your business.

When an Associate Member registers by linking to your organisational accounts, you will be informed via email allowing you to confirm they are an appropriate member of your organisation to participate.

An Associate Member has full access to SmartMarketing, SmartTraining and SmartResources, as standard. They can also view special offer information in SmartPromotions.

As Champion, you will still be in full control of viewing and spending your organisation's hard earned points in SmartRewards. Associates will not have rights to see or use rewards points or see other purchase information visible in My Account or SmartIncentives.

From time to time we run promotions for SmartHQ resellers where users "opt-in". SmartHQ Associate Members will be allowed to opt-in to most of these promotions and we encourage them to do so.


Advise your colleagues — they can begin the registration process by clicking here!