
Cloud Champion II Webinar Dates

As many look at diversifying their offerings to their customers, there are multiple areas that need to be investigated to help the change in direction. While much of this content is outside of the scope of what we would deliver at OEM focused events, we still think it's essential that you gain an understanding of what else is happening in the marketplace.

This information is from https://cloudchamp.microsoft.com.au/cloudchampcalendar.html - please check there for any updates and registration is here.

Webinar 1, 27 January: What is the opportunity with the Cloud and Partnering with Microsoft?

Webinar 2, 3 February: Building a profitable business with the Cloud

Webinar 3, 17 February: Selling Office 365

Webinar 4, 3 March: Selling Microsoft Azure

Webinar 5, 17 March: The Cross Sell and Up Sell Opportunity

Webinar 6, 6 April: Evolving Your Marketing Strategy