
Azure Site Recovery support for Windows Server 2016

One of the themes of the last roadshow we did was hybrid cloud with Windows Server 2016, and one of the things I wanted to show was Azure Site Recovery running on a Windows Server 2016 host with VMs. Unfortunately we were a little too early out of the gate, so instead I had to settle for showing Nano Server being replicated into Site Recovery. This week's good news is that ASR is now officially support Windows Server 2016, and I tested this out by upgrading my Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V Site Recovery host to Windows Server 2016 and everything continued to worked. Obviously most people aren't going to be doing in-place upgrades to Windows Server 2016, but this was a low risk environment so I was happy to test it out and see how it went.


For more details, including the supported scenarios matrix, take a look at Azure Site Recovery now supports Windows Server 2016. You can check out additional product information, and start replicating your workloads to Microsoft Azure using Azure Site Recovery. You can use the powerful replication capabilities of Site Recovery for 31 days at no charge for every new physical server or virtual machine that you replicate. Visit the Azure Site Recovery forum on MSDN for additional information and to engage with others, or use the ASR UserVoice to let us know what features you want.