
Visual Studio .NET 2003 and .NET Framework v1.1 log files

The following log files are produced during Visual Studio .NET 2003, .NET Framework 1.1 and J# redistributable package 1.1 setup

Visual Studio Log Files

The following log files are relevant for bugs that occur during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup:

  • wcuerror71.txt – located in your %temp% directory
  • wcuevent71.txt – located in your %temp% directory

The following log file is relevant for bugs that occur during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup, bugs with the 4-button launcher when steps are not enabled, and any scenario where Visual Studio setup reports that not all prerequisites have been met:

  • depcheck71.txt – located in your %temp% directory

The following log files are relevant for bugs that occur during Visual Studio .NET setup:

  • vserror71.txt – located in your %temp% directory during Visual Studio .NET setup; moved to the Logs directory in the path that you installed Visual Studio .NET to after installation; left in %temp% after a failed installation and after uninstallation
  • vsinstall71.txt – located in your %temp% directory during Visual Studio .NET setup; moved to the Logs directory in the path that you installed Visual Studio .NET to after installation; left in %temp% after a failed installation and after uninstallation
  • VSMsiLog****.txt (where * is a randomly-generated suffix) - located in your %temp% directory during Visual Studio .NET setup; moved to the Logs directory in the path that you installed Visual Studio .NET to after installation; left in %temp% after a failed installation and after uninstallation

Note: This log tends to be many megabytes in size, so please zip this file before attaching it to an email or a bug report

Note also: When logging a bug against Visual Studio uninstall, please include both versions of vsmsilog*.txt (one from the installation and the other from the uninstallation). Keep in mind that running an uninstall will delete the log files created during installation so please make sure to copy the logs to a share before attempting to uninstall Visual Studio.

.NET Framework Log Files

The following log files are relevant for bugs that occur during .NET Framework setup:

  • dotnetfx.log – located in your %temp% directory after .NET Framework setup
  • netfx.log – located in your %temp% directory; needed for all bugs related to failures to install the .NET Framework during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup

Note: This log tends to be many megabytes in size, so please zip this file before attaching it to an email or a bug report

Note also: If .NET Framework 1.1 setup is failing when being run as a stand-alone package instead of during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup, you will need to use the steps listed here to gather a verbose log because it will not be created by default.

  • netfxocm.log – located in your %windir% directory after .NET Framework setup on Windows Server 2003

The following log files are relevant for bugs that occur during .NET Framework language pack setup:

  • langpacksetup.log – located in your %temp% directory after .NET Framework language pack setup; needed for all bugs during .NET Framework language pack installation or uninstallation
  • langpackmsi.log – located in your %temp% directory; needed for all bugs related to failures to install a NET Framework language pack during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup

The following log file is relevant for bugs that occur during .NET Framework SDK setup:

  • dotnetfxsdk.log – located in your %temp% directory after .NET Framework SDK setup; needed for all bugs during .NET Framework SDK installation or uninstallation

J# Redistributable Package Log Files

The following log files are relevant for bugs that occur during J# redistributable package setup:

  • jsredistsetup.log – located in your %temp% directory after J# redistributable package setup; needed for all bugs during J# redistributable package installation or uninstallation
  • jsredistmsi.log – located in your %temp% directory; needed for all bugs related to failures to install the J# redistributable package during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup

Note: This log tends to be many megabytes in size, so please zip this file before attaching it to an email or a bug report

Note also: If J# redistributable setup is failing when being run as a stand-alone package instead of during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup, you will need to use the steps listed here to gather a verbose log because it will not be created by default.

The following log files are relevant for bugs that occur during J# redistributable package language pack setup:

  • jsredistsetup.log – located in your %temp% directory after J# redistributable package language pack setup; needed for all bugs during J# redistributable package language pack installation or uninstallation
  • jsredistmsi.log – located in your %temp% directory; needed for all bugs related to failures to install the J# redistributable package language pack during Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites setup


  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2005
    The Product Feedback web site can be used to report bugs in Visual Studio, the .NET Framework and other...
  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2005
    Microsoft has created what I think is a really cool mechanism for customers to report bugs and suggestions...
  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2008
    A while back, I posted a list of instructions that can be used to enable Windows Installer verbose logging