
Pop up message of xd_proxy.css, facebook issue!

Last week, a large amount of customers complained they were getting the following pop up message almost in every single website using IE:


Then a notepad opens up with the following information:

.app_content_51546247891 a.uiLinkSubtle { display: none; }
.app_content_51546247891 a.UIImageBlock_ICON_Image { display: none; }

#bootloader_Zvucx { height: 42px; }

After further investigation, it was proved to be a facebook script issue. This error was also ovbsered in Firefox, Safari and Chrome, not just IE.

You can refer to https://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=14971

It seems to affect every single website that uses social plugins for Facebook.


Deleting cache and cookie of the web browser. Steps for IE:

1.  From Internet Explorer menu bar, select ToolsInternet Options.
2.  From the General Tab select "Delete" found in the Browsing History section.
3.  Click  "Delete Files" , click yes to confirm.
4.  Click  "Delete Cookies", click yes to confirm.
5.  Click  "Delete Passwords", click yes to confirm.
6.  Click Close
7.  Click OK.


  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2011
    This XD proxy issue has effectively killed the Facebook games.  I try to send gifts or requests to friends, and the friend list is BLANK.  I checked all my stuff. Still blank. I blocked and unblocked xd proxy. Blank and blank. So, I'm leaving it blocked until such time as Facebook figures out the problem. fyi: Using Firefox 4, Vista.

  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2011
    I have tried the solution you sugested above but to no avail. It is quite hard to get rid off. I am playing Cityville and the reward section does not show this problem. I am using IE 9, Windows 7. I even tried using Chrome but with the same result. Has anybody got a working solution?

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2011
    Yepper. and a simple one. i just uninstalled firefox then reinstalled it. no more xd proxy window, at least for now. lol. a lot more simpler to me then doing all the internet settings, options, cookies, caches, blahs, blahs, and more blahs. hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2011
    I've been trying to post an ad on Facebook Marketplace and get the same error message. I'm using Chrome. I'll try to use CC Cleaner and retry. What a pain!

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2011
    I uninstaller Chrome. I uninstalled Mozilla Foxfire and reinstalled it. I am still getting the pop-up . It is very frustrating. I can not seem to get read of it no matter what I do. Any suggestions?

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2011
    i am having the same issue in opera and firefox. the xd server window opwns and opens- i go into a loop of some sort playing farmville. i can't get anything to work normally/ clearning cache doesn't work.

  • Anonymous
    December 29, 2011
    The comment has been removed