
Announcing RTM of SMS 2003 R2 International Version

Adding support for French, German, and Japanese, SMS 2003 R2 International Version has been released to manufacturing. SMS 2003 R2 brings additional functionality to SMS 2003 including system vulnerability assessments and 3rd party/custom updating.

Inventory Tool for Custom Updates (ITCU)

ITCU allows ISV’s & customers to create and publish catalogs containing updates using the same schema used for Microsoft updates. SMS can now scan these catalogs, saving administrators’ time & effort for deploying updates for all of their lines of business applications. This function has been particularly well received by customers as they struggle with numerous processes and a lack of for centralized updates of their non-Microsoft applications.

Scan Tool for Vulnerability Assessment (STVA)

Based on MBSA 2.0, STVA scans around 100 configuration settings for identifying potential vulnerabilities, reporting on settings out of compliance with internal configuration policies. STVA helps keep customers’ environments safer and more secure.

SMS 2003 R2 will be available for French, German, and Japanese in January price list while simplified Chinese will RTM next week meaning it will not be available until the February price list.

For download and more information on R2 capabilities, visit https://www.microsoft.com/smserver/evaluation/2003/r2.mspx