
I Love that New Syntax Smell

C++ articles, code snippets, musings, etc. from Andy RichIf this is your first time here, you may want to check out my blog introduction.

The VC Team Blog

Recently launched at https://blogs.msdn.com/vcblog, the VC team is attempting an almost frightening...

Date: 06/12/2006

Properties Part 2 - defining default properties

Disclaimer. This is an ancient post. By the looks of it, I originally intended to write this almost...

Date: 08/10/2005

The long-awaited return of DF

Back from the dead Well, not precisely dead, but I certainly began feeling that way - shipping a...

Date: 06/09/2005

C++ DF Discussion on hold

Astute readers may note two things: 1) It has been a while since I posted what should have been a...

Date: 01/17/2005

Deterministic Finalization IV - Benefits, part II

Long ago, I wrote a post on the first part of DF benefits. Now, I'm finally getting back to it. My...

Date: 11/05/2004

Another good customer bug

Reader Andy Neilson writes in with another bug: The current compiler implementation has some...

Date: 09/13/2004

I love when customers find bugs!

Reader Rob Walker asks: Is there a neat way of handling dictionaries? I have a Dictionary<Guid,...

Date: 09/09/2004

Pinning Pointers

Hot on the heels of my article on interior pointers, comes a much more insightful one by Stan...

Date: 08/27/2004

Online Chat: Visual C++ 2005 Beta

We're having an online VC++ chat this coming Thursday. I and several of my coworkers from all areas...

Date: 08/16/2004

Interior Pointers

Where's the rest of the properties stuff? I was going to write about default properties in this...

Date: 08/16/2004

Properties Part 1 - the updated property syntax

What are properties? Technically, properties are CLR "aliases." They are exposed as standard...

Date: 07/27/2004

.NET, 7.0, 2003, what's it all mean?

A reader asked the question: Is .NET, in fact, the SAME THING as Visual Studio 7.0? Could it be...

Date: 07/09/2004

A Bug's Life

No, not the Pixar movie. This is about the lifetime of a bug in our product. How they go from...

Date: 06/14/2004

Status, aggregate initialization of CLI arrays

This is a quickie. I have some other blog posts about interesting material on the horizon, but I'm...

Date: 03/17/2004

The CLR team is looking for a few good people

Joel just posted over on his blog that the CLR team has some open headcount - they're looking to...

Date: 03/06/2004

Windows Forms III - Dynamic Layout

I'm not going to belabor my blog with yet another code explanation. I've converted the dynamic...

Date: 02/05/2004

CmdLiner - a break from Windows Forms

This will be the third time I tried to start this post. Let's see if I get derailed yet again, or if...

Date: 01/28/2004


Sometimes, its good to check the blogs.msdn.com aggregator. I was linked by Five Testers from VC...

Date: 01/23/2004

Hello World from Windows Forms, MK II.

Now that we've gotten our feet wet, it's time to try something a bit more complicated. We'll include...

Date: 01/22/2004

Hello World from Windows Forms!

It begins... This will be a new series of articles. I'll start with some ports of existing samples...

Date: 01/21/2004

loc - my own simple .NET version of the unix 'which' facility

As is often the case, I wrote a small program to do something useful for myself. I have a (Win32)...

Date: 01/15/2004

Pointer to String chars - Everett style

Garrett asked: If the source text is in a CLR String, and we want to pass(even read-only) to...

Date: 12/22/2003

The native heap/managed heap barrier

Garrett asks: You mentioned: class A{}; array^ arr = gcnew array(10);. Are you saying that whidbey...

Date: 12/22/2003

Why you ought not pre-jit, and why it sometimes makes sense.

So, Raj asks: Thanks for the explanation but what is the deal with the IL and JIT. Why not just...

Date: 12/19/2003

The array template

Some background. In Managed Extensions, the CLI Array was exposed using the keyword __gc[]. If you...

Date: 12/18/2003

VC++ .NET Examples, a tiny Visual Studio timeline, how to participate in the Whidbey Beta

Reader Dave commented: back to lack of visual c++ .net examples. I saw that there are lots of c#...

Date: 12/17/2003

A little Q&A

Reader Dave asks: I am using Visual Studio 7.0 (2002?). I turn on my computer in the morning, and...

Date: 12/16/2003

C++/CLI operators

A bit of background. You may recall CLI operators in Managed Extensions: op_Equality, op_Addition,...

Date: 12/12/2003

Post categorization

I've added a new post category: post responses, specifically for answering posts. That way, if...

Date: 12/11/2003

Will .NET be available for non-Windows platforms?

I thought this deserved a post, and not be buried in a comment.  Dave asks: Wow! it seems you are...

Date: 12/10/2003

More questions, more clarifications.

Garrett asked some further questions that were also good.  Good enough, in fact, that I didn't know...

Date: 12/10/2003

Whidbey and Managed Extensions, clarifications.

Garrett Serack made some comments on my last blog entry that I thought were interesting enough to...

Date: 12/08/2003

Thanks for all the fish...

The powers-that-be in charge of the GotDotNet have decided to discontinue the blogs on this site....

Date: 12/04/2003

Boxing (value types, not de la Hoya)

Grr. Discussions of pugilism aside, I'll try posting again. I had a beautifully written post, with...

Date: 12/04/2003

Welcome to my blog, V2. (72% recycled material.)

A bit about myself.  I'm an SDET (Software Design Engineer in Test) working on the front end of the...

Date: 12/04/2003

Corrections, explanations, etc.

First, I should apologize for the lack of postings lately.  A combination of server...

Date: 11/25/2003

PtrToStringChars v2 remix

A while back, in order to get some code to compile, I had to update PtrToStringChars (found in...

Date: 11/17/2003

Branbray on handles

I was going to give a short introduction to the C++ handle (^) today.  But, Brandon did such a...

Date: 11/17/2003

Simple stack code

We've got a code sample today, of a simple integer stack implemented using Whidbey C++.  I'll...

Date: 11/12/2003
